Jesus Door-2-Door (JD2D) is a door-to-door evangelism program started in the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod by Rev. Tim Koch.
Jesus Door-2-Door trains people how to share their faith in Jesus Christ with others and then travels door-to-door in order to put their training into action.
Distinct features of JD2D
Short on theory, long on action. (We don't just talk about how one might go about doing evangelism . . . we actually go do it.)
We only serve local congregations. (The local congregation is where God’s Word is preached and the Sacraments administered. JD2D doesn’t presume to be spiritual leaders in a community, we connect people to congregations.)
Respectful. (We don’t argue. If people don’t want to talk, we don’t make them. We will share the gospel with all who will listen, and we will respectfully leave people alone who desire to be left alone.)
Compact. (With few exceptions, our events take less than 8 hours to complete. That means no overnight stays or multi-day commitments from congregations or individuals.)
Almost-Free. (We don’t ask for money. The only costs to a congregation are [1] food for the event, and [2] the cost of printing literature to leave at the homes we visit. If someone wants to support us financially, we will humbly accept their gift with gratitude, but we don’t solicit funds.)
No musical agenda. (If music is sung at the congregation during a JD2D event, it is the congregation who decides what music is used. For example. If you don’t want guitars, then there will be no guitars.)
No false promises. (We don’t make false claims. Having JD2D at your church will not automatically fill your church pews or coffers. It will give you an insight into the spiritual landscape of your community and may connect you to people desiring to hear more of the gospel and of your congregation.)
No bureaucratic nonsense. (You know your community better than we do. You’re free to modify the JD2D experience to what works for your congregation. You don’t need to wait months—or years!—for a board of directors to approve your request to modify the canvassing survey, forms, or event experience.)